Yawar Chicchi Sponsors Group


The meaning of scissors dance is a manifestation and cultural and traditional expression through dance and song express the skills, customs of the Andean man with a "Sacra-Ritual" character to the Andean divinities: hills Apus - Wamanis) Mamapacha land), inti stars joillor keel) and haceres the work of community and religious festivals field.

The origins of this dance is also very important to point out from time immemorial before take the current form was created to entertain and perform worship and irrigation communal labor, sowing, fallow, crop and shearing auquénidos where the tusuj ran to meet an eminently festive role. And after admission Christian rites, mainly in the festivities of the Andean towns

geographical area that this dance takes place in the current departments: Ayacucho Huancavelica, Apurimac, Arequipa North.

Choreographic expressions these dancers are dancing: Birth passacaglia, senior dance, qolla alva Zapatin Christmas poinsettias and song: poinsettias, verse, ayapampa and huaynos.

DANCE OF THE TIJERAS.- is one of the most impressive dances of the Peruvian Andes, is recognized as CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE NATION and THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF HUMANIDAD.Reconocido by UNESCOcomo the best dance of America and the World. Running with music violin and harp and a kind of sheet metal separated and that resemble scissors, dancers called dancers are protagonists of a ritual that consists of an extensive competition with other dancers in tests your dexterity, physical, skill and endurance, the winner is credited to be protected and illuminated by wamani Apus and Andean deities, represented by the gods of the mountains.

The scissors dance has its own style and music, is a classic religious ritualistic dance choreographed magical character where represent the spirits of the Andean gods.

Since the ancestors dancers run called the great ceremonial trial for Easter, is the secret understanding of the Andean world with their apus wamanis on Thursdays and Fridays commemorate the dead Christ, the dancers scissor out to dance to places and peoples to achieve that communication with the apus, also known as Spanish cultural resistance born in 1565 called Taqui response Onqoy dying song) in those days Good Friday older teachers take the opportunity to teach his disciples. In the late 60s of the twentieth century dance it became a symbol artistic and cultural heritage of Peru. making a cultural and local manifestation in one of the most significant expressions of Andean culture and an integral part of the Peruvian national cultural heterogeneous. As symbols and constituting primarily a language of the people.